MMAのエリートコーチであり、STROOPS®のエリートトレーナーであるTony “da Freak” FryklundがTV東京の「Youは何しに日本へ!?」の再放送に出演いたします!!
In English
Hey, STOORPS guys!!
The elite coach of MMA and trainer of STROOPS, Tony “da Freak” Fryklund is to appear on TV Tokyo’s program, “Why did you come to Japan?” again.
That program will be rebroadcasted from 16:00 tomorrow.
Tony Fryklund : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Fryklund
You can check his profile by Wiki.
After parting from me at Narita Airport, a producer of TV Tokyo came to talk to Tony by chance. And then this producer asked him, “Let me see a skill for self-defence. Please perform against me.”
Probably it would be popular for viewer on TV.
Tony has not only the top skills for coaching of MMA & Functional training, but also he can perform the highest movement for them.
In other words, Tony is the Hybrid Professional Coach!!
Don’t miss this TV program tomorrow!!
We might see him again at SPORTEC2016 on August 2-4th.